The Water
It has been raining, the green of the fields is spectacular, the beautiful river with a great flow , winter arrives and we have heating at home.
Today I started the day calmly, I have climbed to the mountain with my bitch to dawn, I have prepared a breakfast with tuna, avocado and cheese, I have savored the coffee of Colombia, I have fixed my beard and I have had a hurry , to write this text at 10am and continue with this slow pace.
I have thanks when I wake up, I listen to the bells of the church redouble at every hour to remember it, I have read a little with the pellet stove and I have feed the chickens, now I will plan the goals of the month as if they depended on me, knowing that we live from providence and trusting what happens.
You are more aware than before what is important and what is trivial. It is worth waiting for the future!
Henry David Thoreau
Yesterday we closed a very important collaboration, I prepared a talk about impact business models, I invited our next expert for the last lip of the year, I bought a flight to India for my wife as an advanced birthday gift, it was a great day and I could celebrate it , with a simple ritual, fried potatoes and a glass of wine. I remember that that is what I did also in my bar, when I was 21 years old, before closing, reading the press and enjoying the calm of the hour and place.
Today the winter begins, under the rhythm and rest, I have some small scheduled trips, but above all meetings with friends and family for these special dates. I also look for a space to close the year, a space of loneliness and silence, a quiet space to reflect and thank for everything I lived, for everything received, a space to project and dream, to look at the horizon and contemplate, to listen to and allow intuition to emerge once again.
There are times when all anxiety and effort accumulated are suspended in the infinite indolence and rest of nature.
Henry David Thoreau (Walden)
Nipun told us the other day of those leaders who plan for 5 years and do not leave the script, and the need to lead from the future that emerges, from the current needs and the global challenges, from the heart and putting the service in The center to emerge compassion. I could not agree more.
Also scoring these weeks some pending tintos (coffees), connections and conversations that want, I look for some special reading, although it is really she who finds me, I turn on some candles, I help some people and think with Wisdom in the following steps of our cooperation project in Ghana, something important to close the year well, to continue moving forward.
And you … Do you slow down along the year?