The Window
We installed a new window and pellet heating to get through the winter better, to keep the space open, to continue receiving people, to continue generating conversations and collaborations, to continue moving forward with our purpose of generating a positive impact in the valley, to continue attracting interesting people.
This week they finished installing the large window, we have converted the door into a viewing point, maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit by working from a garage, but incorporating wonderful views of the valley. In reality it has been something improvised and quick, we have not thought about it much, we have simply moved forward to make improvements as soon as possible.
First it was installing high-speed internet in the coworking space and the cabins, 1Gb of fiber, something essential to be able to work remotely and spend some time here. Then it was giving up the parking lot to change the direction of the place, which received tourists who parked at the door and left without knowing the village, but above all, so that our attention could focus on nature, on the cabins, on the palm trees, on the sky and the mountains that surround us. Next we installed a pellet stove to heat the room and be able to work from the coworking space these months.
Now we are going to look at the window, which, in addition to gaining natural light, would be useful to measure how this small gesture affects inspiration, how it improves people’s motivation and well-being, how the depth of the valley, the colorful sunrises, seeing rain behind the glass or a little snow on the crest of the mountain range changes your life. The truth is that the place has completely changed, our attention is directed outwards, towards the exterior, letting our imagination fly. There are certainly moments of contemplation, of absorption and concentration, I don’t know if it will be just the first day or if one will end up getting used to this wonder.
These weeks we are collecting the first broccoli, enjoying the walnuts and hazelnuts, we have killed the chickens and planted the seasonal cabbages and onions. We have to make firewood and take the walnut leaves to the recycling center, also turn the compost and check the rabbits. We will wait until spring to varnish the cabins and be able to continue preserving them, they do not look like they were built 20 years ago, they are very well insulated and they stand the test of time as if nothing had happened.
We have started the year with various activities, we resumed the Awakin meditation circles, started PAS Climbing Club, PAS Outdoor Club, PAS Nature Club or whatever we finally decide to call it. Basically they are monthly outings to nature, from mountain hikes, walks through the forest or swimming on the beach. We maintain the ritual of having dinner together, special dishes are cooked and coffee is never missing for breaks during the day.
Next week new people are coming to live with us from different parts of Spain and Europe. The people who came for a month have finally stayed for three. The community that is created, the feeling of home, the bond or sense of belonging, the rituals or habits that are formed and the relationships that are built with neighbors in the area is wonderful.
And you… Do you have a window nearby to watch the winter go by?