I’m leaving the world for a few days to close the year well and be able to disconnect, to be thankful, think and plan 2025 calmly. I’m going for three days in the van to sleep anywhere that has nice views, swim in the sea, read, write, meditate and walk.
It’s a special time of the year, a ritual that I’ve been practicing for a long time, a necessary space, then I return to the world changed. I think I’m not so indispensable that I can’t do it, in reality nobody cares, I’m not as important as my ego wants me to believe at all times.
The truth is that just as I don’t like to feel like a tourist, I don’t like to think that I’m on vacation either, I think it’s something different from the concept that we humans have invented. It’s about taking care of myself, taking perspective, looking from the outside, following intuition, listening to the heart, feeling that I’m doing what I have to do or assessing whether it’s necessary to change course as well.
Yesterday I finished the year giving a class at a high school in Castro. This space allowed me to reflect on the concept of entrepreneurship and my definition of success in life. I came up with something like this, feeling that I have lived a life well lived (whatever that means to each one). For me it is something related to having taken risks, having tried, having fallen and gotten up, having suffered and loved, having cried, having traveled, having seen the world and having found meaning in it, all together. Having received the miracle of connecting with a vital purpose, the miracle of adopting Lucia, and a beautiful (especially inside) life partner, with a smile like Mona Lisa’s. Also having the satisfaction that I can leave tomorrow and nothing will happen, because I am convinced that it was worth it, that I have been so lucky, and at the same time I feel ashamed because I do not deserve anything of what has happened, because I speak from the privilege of what I have been given.
I spent this first day on Oriñon beach, contemplating the waves of the sea, bathing in salt water, without fear of the rain and the grey clouds of the morning. Feeling the cold makes me feel alive, sleeping anywhere brings me back to the freedom of a nomadic life, travelling light connects me with austerity, so valuable in my life. Silence brings me peace, the sound of the waves of the sea is a gift I can’t get used to. The sun coming through the window is appreciated this December morning in Cantabria.
I only open the computer to write these lines of text. The rest I do with pen and paper, some canvases I have printed and the phone on silent. I begin by reviewing last year’s goals, the vision I had captured, and filling out the progress tool to see how far I have come this year. I also review my circle of geniuses, the people who inspire me and with whom I have interacted these twelve months of the year. I complete the canvas of the Tinto Theory, which allows me to put this connector gift to work, and attract abundance into my life, as well as wonderful new people to do things with. I have already received my paper diary for next year and I begin to write by hand. I also write about the purpose and objectives for next year, drawing a vision and letting my imagination fly.
I am not going to share the photo of where I am because I do not want to pose, I do not want to look like a travel influencer, I do not intend to act like a digital nomad or much less provoke envy. I just want to emphasize that this space inspires me, these getaways are necessary today, these moments of solitude, silence and contemplation are a miracle in the contemporary world. These outings are the antidote to the rush, stress, anxiety and mass consumption of Christmas. The magnanimity of nature, beauty in its purest form, the inclement weather, the sun shining, the dark clouds, the fog lurking, the wind that doesn’t let me sleep, the rain hitting the windows, the smile when I look in the rearview mirror, all of this is something magical.
Now here’s an invitation, my gift even if you haven’t asked the Three Kings for it. If you want to start the year on the right foot, if you want to plan and land what’s on your mind, if you want to take action right away, come to our coliving to live a few weeks of winter and we’ll give you a Conscious Leadership workshop. For those who want to start the year differently, who want to join us between the months of January and/or February as residents of our space, we are going to offer a workshop and detailed support, we are going to focus on them, we are going to think together and lower commitments, we are going to share tools, habits and strategies, we are also going to enjoy nature, we are going to drink coffee and share our strategy to sell without selling, to generate authentic connections, to live in abundance, to live from providence.
Start 2025 in a unique place, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Pasiegos Valleys, where time seems to stop to give way to the essential: connecting with yourself, with your goals and with a community that shares values and purpose. At PAS Rural Coliving we offer you the opportunity to start the year in a space designed to inspire, reflect and advance your personal and professional projects; as well as work with your team remotely from our coworking space or come with your team to plan the year.
During this experience, you will live in a cozy wooden cabin in a natural environment that invites introspection and creativity. PAS Rural Coliving combines the best of a coworking and coliving space, offering a warm and collaborative environment where ideas flow, bonds are strengthened and goals are transformed into action.
As part of the experience, we have designed activities that will enrich your stay:
* Strategic Planning and Agile Project Management Workshop: A practical session to structure your ideas, define objectives and create a solid plan for 2025.
* Red Wine Theory with Oscar and the Community: A collaborative exercise in which we put ourselves at the service of the challenges and objectives of all participants, sharing knowledge and solutions from generosity.
* Generosity Practices: An approach that guides our interactions, encouraging mutual learning and authentic connection between community members.
* Wellness and reconnection activities: Mountain, river and beach routes to connect with nature and breathe deeply to take in all the energy we need to live in 2025.
And you… Do you allow yourself a space like this to start the year?